Matthew & Avasa
Welcome to our Community!

We are Artists, Transpersonal Psychologists, and essential oil & holistic living coaches. We provide the psycho-spiritual tools and natural solutions to remove what is in the way of self-actualization and inner peace in your relationships, your art, your business, and your thriving well-being. Whether you are here to listen to our music, or explore working with us, we look forward to serving you in your next level of Love in the world. 

Inner Peace
Avasa & Matthew Love

Serving the Spirit, Mind, & Body

One on One, Couples, and Group counseling to dissolve the underlying self destructive patterns, and rebuild a foundation of love and wisdom. 
Enjoy the songs of our heart, composed to carry us to the seat of the Self. Listen to our albums and join us Live!

Learn the healing science of essential oils, aromatherapy, and holistic living with doTERRA's gifts of the earth.

3 Strategies for Navigating Triggers 

FREE Guide

Enjoy this free gift; a tool to enhance awareness and strategies in navigating the rocky waters that inevitably arise in relationship. Included are 3 effective tools, as well as a self awareness journal prompt. Enjoy, and may it serve your love and well-being. 

Let's Connect on Instagram | @avasamatthewlove